- listen to what children are saying with and without their words. listen well with your eyes to what they are trying to tell you and listen to with your heart to what they hope you will hear".
When the children doesn’t respect the teacher talking or explaining the material, first the children will be reprimanded by the teacher, if he does repeatedly then the teacher will approach him to reprimand and speak firmly to the child the second time, when the child can’t be directed then the teacher will approach give a stample sad face.
It is very important that the rules in the classroom to discipline the children become positive habits, besides making children more responsible and thinking what should I do what funds I should not do, and always remind repeatedly, for example when children are noisy we have to say about the classroom rules:
1. looking eyes
Children must listen and practice to always focus on their eyesight.
2. listening Ears
for practice to always listen to the teacher when delivering material so that children can understand the instructions given by the teacher,
3. helping hands
If the child has questions and wants to answer the question, it must be accustomed to raise hand.
4. walking feet
to get used to children always walking in class, not running around.
5. Quiet Mouth
when there are friends / teacher who are talking and must learn to praise.
When the children always follows the teacher instructions well, the teacher will give a stample big star at the end of the lesson before the child comes home.
every children to answers and tells about his experiences always give positive words to the
child and appreciate it.
