Kirey Kharisma Auli
student from Indonesian University Of Education
Outbond student to University of Santo Tomas
Accumulation hours : 5 Hours per day

My first imperession when i came at school, all of the teachers and staff of faculty really welcomed me, very kind and always support me to enjoy in the school and for the children, they were so cute and very disicpline always follows the instruction of the teacher. i'm always remember they said to me "good afternoon teachers krey may Lord blessed you" with the cute intonation and they were really excited to met me, they were very shocked when i told to them i'm from Indonesian and i came to manila by Airplane. " Wow Indonesia so far!" a student said that to me.
Based on my observation, other differences were the children's abilities and teachers who were taught in the class. Before the children entered the program, the school assessed the children from 3 aspects. Cognitive, Affective and Psychomotor.
My cooperating teacher told me about the tips when you teaching nursery class, when the children noisy and always behave to much we have to said about our classroom and asked to the the children e.g "are you quiet mouth?" and then you have to balence for sweet to children and strict sometimes students don't want to listen to teacher.
Their learning is fixed on the book in each lesson, and the media uses technology such as PowerPoint, video, the screen etc. the media for delivering material is also very simple, because teachers interact a lot with children.
i got know about they activities and daily routines and after 3 days of observation I always help the teacher to check the green corner book and help the media that will be used today. i helped the children when they needed and want something.
Also for the measurement in evaluation every friday, the teacher prepared work books or notes in different colors for different subjects. The teacher also gave the assignment sheet or writing time. The teacher prepared drill assignments to students to practice and develop students' self-mindedness about the subject during the class.