the first time I taught about reading subject and material about letter H. I used a simple lesson plan because i hadn't got a lesson plan yet form school. my activities about letter H is :
1. before started the lesson we were ice breaking first to make enjoy and feels not bored.
2. Get to know about letter H and Vocabulary with the first letter H
3. with The video about the letter H
4. after that i asked about the video, what kind of that letter, how to sound of that letter, and the children gave an examples of objects from the letter H,
5. i show the video again about stroy of the hourse in the hills, and after that question and ask, interaction with children and the children got many vocabulary form the letter H.
6. to develop the aspects of cognitive development, psychomotor, art, social emotional, and language the children stick letter H to become a horse.
there were still many children who find it difficult to stick papers become a horse. the children very excited with this activity and always followed my Intructions.
